Posted 2021-08-11NoteCommandLineTools reinstallxcode-select --print-path# in my case /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools# the next line deletes the path returned by the command abovesudo rm -rf $(xcode-select --print-path)# install them (again) if you don't get a default installation promptxcode-select --install
Posted 2018-08-08Notemac apache start, stop, restartsudo apachectl startsudo apachectl stopsudo apachectl restart
Posted 2017-08-11ManualTerminal 几个快捷键将光标移动到行首ctrl + a 将光标移动到行尾ctrl + e 清除屏幕ctrl + l 搜索以前使用命令ctrl + r 清除当前行ctrl + u 清除至当前行尾ctrl + k 单词为单位移动option + 方向键